Monday, December 15, 2014

Warrior... Priestess... Tramp

There seems to me to be something brewing between Gabrielle and Leah in this episode. When they meet, Gabrielle is trying to figure out who Leah is. "A hestian vergin?" she asks. "Are there any other sort?" responds Leah. "This is almost too good" smirks Gabrielle. When Gabrielle introduces Leah to Xena she emphasizes, "the hestian VIRGIN priestess." Gabrielle and Xena exchange a look. Leah criticizes their lifestyle: "Next thing you'll be telling me your not virgins!" Xena and Gabrielle makes faces, and Leah gasps, looking from one to the other in disgust. She reacts to this VERY strongly. Gabrielle defends her lifestyle to Leah. "Believe me, if I have to go through the rest of my life without companionship, knowing myself won't be a problem." So what HAS she been doing since Perdicus died? Hmm? Guards come to attack Meg's brothel; the women who work there misinterpret their approach and get all excited for a night's work. One slaps Gabrielle on the butt as she excitedly declares this news. As the women get ready for the guards, running to their repective rooms, Gabrielle looks after them quietly saying to herself, "What if I..." before she is interrupted. Leah at the end of the episode says to Gabrielle, "I still think you'd make a great virgin!" Xena looks at the two, as if wondering "What is going on here?"
Melody points out: during the scene in wich Leia is telling them how she got in the whole mess watch the way Xe treats her. Not to mention the exchange between them during the whole religious discussion on who to follow - the gods or yourself - when Leia asks Gabby on who she follows. And the look Xe gets when Liea tells Gabby she'd make a good virgin in many opinions here came out to be one of..."Oh, if she only knew!" And definately "Not in this life time!". Ya know!

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