Monday, December 15, 2014

The Bitter Suite

Xena, upon entering Illusia, is awakened by a kiss from Callisto, or at least a being in the guise of Callisto. While "Callisto" sings to Xena, she jumps onto Xena's lap and stradles her. After being whipped into a rage by there respective guides, Xena and Gabrielle battle. Briefly. After wishing her nothing but pain and death, Xena cradles Gabrielle's body and sobs, "I killed Gabrielle." Confronting each other again, Xena asks Gabrielle, "Tell me how you feel, right now. Nothing about the past. Right now." "I hurt inside! Don't you?" responds Gabrielle. They then sing the following song to each other:
Xena: My heart is hurting beyond words
      The pain is tearing up my soul
      These days have seen my spirit die
      My life propelled out of control
      My wounds lie naked to the world
      My depth of suffering exposed
      This damaged past can never heal
      Until this nightmare book is closed
Gabrielle: My heart is hurting beyond words
           The pain is tearing up my soul
           Please tell me how can I retrieve
           The life that all this sadness stole
           Because of you this happened
           Because you had to carryout your vengeful little plans
Xena: It's you who should feel guilty
      Because of you my child is dead
      His blood is on your hands
Gabrielle: If only you had never brought me there
Xena: If only you had done what you were told
Gabrielle: It's you who's to be blamed
Xena: And you should be ashamed
Gabrielle: It's your fault!
Xena: No it's yours!
Gabrielle: How could you?!
Xena: How could you?!
Gabrielle: It's your fault!
Xena: It's your fault!
At the end of this song, they are screaming at each other. It is then that Dahok reaches through the Wheel and grabs Gabrielle, dragging her off, again. Xena jumps in after Gabrielle. When they learn that all of their pain is caused by their hate, they sing to each other:
Xena: I never dreamed that we'd be distanced by a hate
      That all the trust we had would go
Gabrielle: How could I hate you
Xena: How could it come to pass this awful twist of fate
Gabrielle: How could I hurt you
Xena: This madness can't be so
Gabrielle: I can't believe it
Xena: I never dreamed that any barriers could rise
Gabrielle: Or that I'd ever see the stranger in your eyes
Xena: Our hearts were hurting both the same
Gabrielle: The hurt was tearing up our souls
Xena: The fury in us made us blind
Gabrielle: We could not see beyond the pain
Xena: If we can turn again to love
Gabrielle: If we can heal these open wounds
Xena: We'll leave this hatred far behind
Gabrielle: So not a trace of hate remains
Together: We'll overcome our damaged pasts
          And we'll grow stronger side by side
          To stand together through the storms
          We're safe 'cause love will be our guide
Gabrielle finds out that Xena lied about Ming Tien. Xena sings:
Xena: Yes I lied
      I thought I could protect you from the truth
      Deliver you from evil
      Spare your innocence and youth
      That I could simply will it
      Was the real untruth
      I was wrong
      I wore a mask to cover my deceit
      But underneath it all I couldn't keep away my doubt
      Now I'm left without a mask
      With one question left to ask
      I'm sorry, please help me, forgive me
      Don't hate me, don't leave me, forgive me
      Forgive me my debt as only you could
      Forgive me the hate replace evil with good
      Forgive me and find out that you
      Will be able to forgive yourself too
      My dear Solan
      I never told you that you were my son
      I didn't know the days we had left were so few
      If I only knew
      I'd have been with you
      I'm so sorry
      I couldn't be the mother you deserved
      And I regret that I missed your first step.
      Your first word
      That I never heard
      Now it seems absurd
      Can you forgive me?
      Open up your heart and let me in
      No matter if the fates against us turn
      There's one thing through all of this I've learned
      That what I need from you is to forgive me,
      I'm sorry, believe me
      Stop hating, stop hurting, forgive me
      Forgive those who'd harm you
      Do good for those who hate
      Forgive if not forget
      I know it's not too late
      Forgive me and you'll discover too
      That the love of your love is you
That last line was to Gabrielle. Gabrielle reaches across the falling water. Xena takes her hand. Gabrielle draws her to the other side. They stand there, holding arms, eyes locked, Xena stroking Gabrielle's arm. It looks like something is going to happen...When Xena remembers Solan is standing there. She cradles Solan, his head on her shoulder. She says "I'll always love you" and then the scene fades to Xena holding Gabrielle in the exact same position. The surf rolls in, and the splash around in it, laying on their backs, in a scene very reminiscent of that famous movie scene which i am told is from "From Here To Eternity."

D emphasizes: I think one of the most blatant subtext issues wasn't that Xena didn't go to Solan after she crossed the water fall, but rather, that she didn't go until Gab told her too.
Cat points out: In War and Peace, the warriors have a line:Don't be put aside by beauty, Xena you must do your duty. They are talking about her killing Gabrielle. Maybe it's just me, but this seems to indicate that she feels *Something* for Gabby.
Radon points out the subtext between Gabrielle and Callisto in this episode: Also during Bitter Suit after showing Gabrielle naked laying on her stomach it cuts to Emphany and Joxer then back to Gabrielle and Callisto alone in a dark candle lit cave where Callisto's pulling Gabrielle's robe down so you know she had to see her naked. #15 Then Callisto caresse Gabrielle's face then slaps her real hard for some reason (perhaps while she was caresing Gabrielles face Gabrielle was caressing her somewhere else if you know what I mean!). #16 Also notice as she caresses Gabrielles face Gabrielle closes her eyes and looks really aroused and after Callisto slaps her she makes noises like she's getting off. #17 Then Callisto starts trying to convince her that they have something in commen by saying Xena killed both of their families. #16 Then when Gabrielle sitts up and saddly says "no I killed hers...." Callisto tries to ease her guilt by insisting it was Xena's fault she had Hope in the first place. #17 Also notice as she goes to the other side of Gabrielle as she saying "took you to Pertania" (esspsially on Pertania) her voice gets higher and almost whispers it whille smiling arousedly for a second then looking at Gabrielles bear shoulder (maby picturing what Gabrielle and Dahawk did ). #18 Then she gets back on the other side of Gabrielle and gets even closer to her while trying to control herslf not to get destracted & trying to get Gabrielle on her side Callisto's look's all sensitive,caring, & concerned about Gabrielle. #19 Then she plces her hand under her chin and makes Gabrielle look at her beautiful face and body while asking "you hate Xena for hurting you, for deserting you, for failing you, you hate her don't you?don't you?don't you?". Then when Gabrielle screams "yes!" she looks all happy and excited (maby imaging her doing that while in bed with her).
Liz points out: When Xena kills Gabrielle, Ares approaches her and says he knows how she feels because "this once beloved friend has been slain by your hand. You are lost and confused, and you feel all alone." He says that perhaps this loss (of Gabrielle) can be "viewed as a gift". He offers to fill the void in Xena's life left by the death of Gabrielle. However, he doesn't approach his new role as a friend. He sings "Come Melt Into Me" to her and they dance the tango (the dance of love). It seems as if Ares knows there is something more to Xena and Gabrielle than friendship.
Lesley points out:Maybe it's just my imagination (or wishful thinking), at the very last scene of "Bitter Suite" where Xena and Gabrielle are laying in the sounds like Xena says "Marry me" to Gabrielle. You have to listen closely, but I really think she says it.

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