Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Coming Home

Coming Home

Written by Melissa Good
Directed by Mark Beesley
Episode synopsis:
Segment one:
Xena, Gabrielle, and Eve are summoned to meet Ares at the Amazon forest. They arrive only to find the forest destroyed, and the Amazons fighting a losing battle against a band of warriors. Xena and the gang join the melee, and the warriors, suddenly outmatched, flee. The local Amazon queen reveals that they are being hunted by the god of war and they could use Xena's help.
Segment two:
"Xena" and Ares converse in his tent. Arss admits that he is having a hard time being mortal; therefore, he is searching for the ambrosia that Artemis told him about in a dream from the other side. "Xena" loves the idea, but rejects Ares' plan to sneak amongst the Amazons and steal it. She instead offers to lead his army and destroy the Amazons. "Gabrielle" also loves the idea. Ares is blissed out by having them finally cross over to his side. Meanwhile, Eve is confronted by an Amazon who recognizes her from somewhere, and insists that she fight for them. Eve declines. "Eve" arrives at Ares' tent, also looking to fight for him. Ares leaves to prepare his troops, and the three reveal themsleves to be the Furies, seeking revenge for the dead Olympians.
Segment three:
The Furies convince Ares that he doesn't need armor in the upcoming war. Xena and Gabrielle arrive in his camp and immediately guess that his odd behavior must be contributable to the Furies. When Ares rides off with his army for the attack, Xena and Gabrielle hustle around them and scout out a pass where they cause an avalanche, delaying the army's approach. An amazon convinces Eve to show her some defensive moves, and finally recognizes her as Livia, "the Bitch of Rome."
Segment four:
Xena and Gabrielle return to the Amazons only to find them about to lynch Eve. The Amazons hate her for not only attacking them, but also selling captive Amazons into slavery. When Gabrielle challenges their queen, she agrees to delay action until after the upcoming war. Xena visits Ares and tries to convince him that the Furies are behind his confusion, but he is too far gone. He rants and raves, attacking the empty air, all in front of his men.
Segment five:
The Amazons confront the army of Ares despite Xena's pleading that they cannot survive. Xena takes matters into her own hands by challenging Ares. The Furies step up their harrassment and it is clear to all the Ares is off his rocker. After whacking him a few times, Xena reveals thta he is now mortal, proof of which is that he now bleeds. She then rides off with Ares in pursuit. His army, now demoralized, retreats. Ares chases Xena up into the mountains while Gabrielle rescues Eve. Xena sends her chakram off while she and Ares fight. He knocks her down into a frozen pond where she drowns. The Furies release their hold on Ares, their vengeance done. The chakram comes spinning back, though, decapitating them. Ares pulls Xena out of the water while Eve piles blankets on top of her and Gabrielle resuscitates her. Later, Ares tells Xena he is still not going to give up on her.
Moments Of Subtext:
  • Xena asks Gabrielle to get info from the Amazons while she goes and checks out Ares' army. As Gabrielle walks away, Xena's gaze lingers, her meaning inconclusive.
  • There is a lot of sexual suggestion when Ares is with "Xena," "Gabrielle," and "Eve." "Gabrielle" walks in just as Ares and "Xena" are about to kiss. "What are you doing?!" she demands. Later, they both nuzzle Ares simultaneously and he admits, "I could get used to this." Later, embracing all three, Ares says "This just gets better and better!"
  • When Eve explains why she did not tell Xena about her dealings with the Amazons, Xena admits, "I know how hard it is to say you're sorry, especially to someone you love." She turns to Gabrielle and has a tender "I'm sorry I whacked you with my chakram" moment. "I nearly lost you" she says, briefly caressing Gabrielle's face before the two hold hands.
  • While the scene is not played tenderly, Gabrielle Is anxious to revive Xena after she drowns. If you are looking for a little mouth to mouth between the two, this may be as close as we get for a long time.
The Sixth and final(?) season opens with this episode penned by popular online fanfic writer Melissa Good. While not one of the Great episodes, there are many things that Melissa does in this episode which I appreciate. The story in general allows the regular actors to have fun with their characters; Lucy and Renee get to play their characters as Furies trying to drive Ares mad, and Kevin gets the biggest opportunity to flex his acting muscle, which he does successfully and makes many scenes in this episode fun to watch. The motivation of the characters seems well thought out: The Furies wish to avenge the death of their fallen family, they prey on Ares' natural desire to find a way to return to Olympus. I especially like when Ares mentions off hand that he believes the Amazons have ambrosia because Artemis told him so in a dream and we the viewer can safely make the logical leap that this was also the work of the Furies without it being spelled out to us.
However, I wouldn't be me (and I dare say this website would be a lot less interesting) if I didn't have a Few Complaints. Why is every mountain in Greece on the verge of falling over? Avalanches in this show are remarkably easy things to accomplish, requiring just a wee push from Xena's chakram. If I lived in the Xenaverse, I would be terrified of all hills lest one should fall on me. And Xena's relationship with Ares requires a Lot of Faith from the viewer. This has been going on now for Six Years. Six (sometimes) Long Years. There is really nothing new that can be done with this, and it just seems so Unlikely to me that Xena would regard Ares with anything but contempt. And yets she kisses him at the end of this episode! I'm sorry guys, but it has been a long time since I felt anything betwen these two characters. And how many times has Ares tried to kill Xena? Admittedly, she owes him a lot because he saved them all from death in the previous episode, but I would think that at best, that is why she allows him to live.
While writing this review, I was surprised at how simple and...typical the plot was. Considering that I had such a positive reaction to the episode, especially when compared to Season Five, I was unable to put my finger on what made this episode different from the average, or above average, Season Five episode. That is, until I got an email from Giovanna, and I think she has figured it out: "... last season X&G hardly spoke to one another, so it's about time to clear all the other characters aside and give the floor to X&G."I think that's it. There is a subtle increase in the interaction between the two main characters which was lacking last season. While there is only one scene where they really talk to each other, it is an emotional scene, and Gabrielle is also there for her at the end, actively bringing her back to life. The image of Gabrielle desperately trying to breathe life back into Xena is a good visual metaphor for what this season is all about.

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