Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Animal Attraction

Animal Attraction

Written by Chris Manheim
Directed by Rick Jacobson
Synopsis and commentary:
I was definitely not looking forward to reviewing this episode, mostly because it was awful, but here goes. As our team walks down the road, Joxer and Amarice have the following bout: "I'm so glad all women aren't like you," says Joxer. "All the women I know are. We don't need a man to get along. I fact, as far as they're concerned, you "guys" are totally dispensible." This is the last piece of subtext for about half an hour. During the half hour, the show becomes a western (and that electric guitar in the soundtrack really bothers me,) Amarice and Armand (remember from "The Crusader?") have a hot and cold love affair, Gabrielle spends the whole time talking to a horse, and Xena finds out that she is pregnant even though she hasn't done the nasty in a long, long time.
The first person that Xena talks to about her baby is Argo. Go figure. But as she is pregnant, she realizes how absurd the whole situation is and says "Gabrielle's gonna freak." Eventually everybody shows up in the barn (Where else would you go?) and Xena announces "I'm pregnant!" Everyone stands silently in shock, with Amarice darting looks between Xena and Gabrielle. Gabrielle is easily the most affected by this news.
"You're pregnant? How can you be pregnant? Xena... I mean, when did you... who did..." 
"I don't know"
"You don't know?"
"Gabrielle, this is as strange to me as it is to you. I don't understand it but it's true. I felt it with Solan and I feel it know. There's life within me, and it's good."
Xena and Gabrielle hug. Later, as they are on the watch for an imminent invasion of the town, Gabrielle's mind still won't let go of Xena's situation.
"You don't have the slightest idea?"
"No. Look, we've been through this a thousand times. I don't"
"How can you not know? I just find that hard to belive, you know?"
"You tell me."
"Ares! Maybe he did a god thing-"
"Okay, fine. When was the last time we saw Hercules? I forget."
Gabrielle and Xena help save the town from the local baddy, and as they leave Xena says, referring to Gabrielle's new horse,
"Well, congratulations. Looks like we're a two horse family."
"Yeah, family being the operative word."
"Yeah, how about that, huh?"
"You know what I think? I think it's the beginning of a beautiful relationship."
"Yup. For all of us."
Whew! Made it to the end of the episode. For all of you out there reading this who haven't seen the episode I highly recommend watching it with the tv off. I've now had to watch it twice and let me say, your time is much better spent doing just about anything else. Like perhaps watching "One Against An Army." Or renting a movie.
Disclaimer to be added later.

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