Monday, December 15, 2014

Fins, Femmes & Gems

Xena draws her sword, and Gabrielle grabs it checking her own reflection. "Oh yeah. Looking good!" she says. "Yeah" agrees Xena. Xena strips down to her undergarments and goes swimming. Once out in the lake she yells "Oh Gabrielle! Come here, I want to show you something!" When Xena rescues Gabrielle from drowning, she pulls her from the water on the shore and her hands just can't seem to stay away from Gabrielle's breasts. Gabrielle, recovering from this experience says "Then you pulled me up and I looked into your eyes and Xena, I finally realized there can only be one person for me in my life." Xena looks happy. "Me!" says Gabrielle. Xena looks REAL disappointed. Later, Xena has a flashback to her childhood. Gabrielle comes walking up behind her. Xena turns and gives her a big hug. Joxer kidnaps Gabrielle and they are together, eating ants. They hear Xena coming, calling for Gabrielle. Gabrielle says "She's come for me! I knew she would! She can't live without me for a minute." Xena tries to get Gabrielle interested in a diamond: "I've never seen it, but I hear it's perfect just like you." Gabrielle fights some miscreants for the diamond. Xena says "You go, Gabrielle. You're beautiful when you're angry." After all is done, they lie together at their campfire. Xena says to Gabrielle "The only reason I do any good at all in this world is because I do it with you. You make an important contribution everyday."
AlBi wrote to me to point out: "After Xena pulls Gabrielle from the water, she starts to apply mouth to mouth resuscitation. Before their lips actually touch, however, Gabrielle recovers, spitting water into Xena's still-open mouth. This leaves us, the viewer, only guessing at what might have been."
Another viewer points out: At the very end when X and G are lying on the blanket talking, just as the screen begins to fade-out, I definitely saw G reach her hand over to X. Thought you might like to know.
Beverly points out: I strongly feel there was subtext when she told Gabrielle how to catch the fish per say- "Stick your hand under the water, find a succulent fish, wiggle your HAND...." Then Gab. comments "what's so fun about that?" Xena all mad"Don't knock it till you try it" and continues to dive back in. Then Gab says " fisting a fish I can barely even say it"..
Molly points out: when Gabrielle is griping about how horrible it is to be cut off from everyone who could "appreciate her specialness" she says to Xena "you wanted to go where there would be no competition for you" or something to that likeness...could she be implying that Xena is worried someone might win Gabrielle's heart away from Xena?

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