Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Here She Comes, Miss Amphipolis

The other sponsers discuss amongst themsleves how odd it is for a contestant to have a woman sponser. One of them asks Gabrielle about Miss Amphipolis. "I do not TELL her anything, we are a team; I ask." "That asking stuff...it works for you?" "Everytime."
Melissa points out to me: "When Xena first comes out on stage all dressed up, Gabrielle seems quite impressed, and happy, about Xena's looks. The other part is when Ms Artifice is named Miss. Known World, she grabs Xena and drags her to the center of the stage, dipping her and giving her a very romantic kiss. The only people that know the truth of Ms, Artemis being a man, is Ms. Artefis her/himself, and Xena. The Look on Gabrielle's face when this happened was hilarious. First shocked, then upset, and maybe even a tad angry (do I sense jealousy?) "
AlBi points out: when Xena is introduced onto stage for the second time, you can clearly see Gabrielle looking up and down Xena's body- sizing up her "vital statistics".
From Ignacio: "Here She Comes, Miss Amphipolis: It's interesting how Gabrielle gets more and more enthusiastic about the contest, considering her first reject. There's a moment when she gets so deeply into her role of sponsor she forgets about the real reasons for taking part. She loves to see Xena showing her sexy side and really wants to win the contest - just like the other sponsors, and at least one of them is in love with his girl... Watching Xena performing Miss Amphipolis could do that to anyone!"

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