Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Ring

The Ring

Written by Joel Metzger
Directed by Rick Jacobson
Episode synopsis:
Segment one:
Gabrielle, Beowolf, and Brunhilda split up to search for Xena. Gabrielle finds her first. As the others assemble, they realize Grendel has cut off their retreat.
Segment two:
Inside Grendel's lair, Xena fills her companions in on how Grendel was created. After Xena forged a ring from the Rheingold, she was attacked by Grinhilda. Grinhilda stole the ring and nearly defeated Xena, but had not forsaken love and was therefore cursed by the ring to destroy her essence. She turned into Grendel. In the present, Xena lures Grendel into the lair but is trapped with the monster behind a landslide.
Segment three:
Xena kills Grendel and retrieves the ring. She quickly realizes that Grendel is not Grinhilda. Grinhilda is still on the loose. Brunhilda meets up with Odin, revealing that she is really a Valkyrie, and he reprimands her for not killing Xena and stealing the ring. He sends the rest of the Valkyrie to fight Xena. During the melee Brunhilda captures Gabrielle.
Segment four:
Odin arrives and reveals that he wants the ring to protect himself from other gods and godkillers. Xena and Beowolf escape and follow Gabrielle. Odin teams up with Grinhilda and together they and the Valkyries attack Xena. Beowolf is quickly wounded, and knowing she is outmatched, Xena puts on the ring knowing it will destroy her essence.
Segment five:
Xena easily defeats everybody and flips away, looking for Gabrielle. When Brunhilda encounters her, though, the curse has occured. Xena no longer knows who she is or has any memory of Gabrielle. Xena gives the ring to Brunhilda, drops her weapons and wanders away. Brunhilda gives the ring to Gabrielle and turns herself into an eternal flame around her to protect her.
Disclaimer:Gabrielle's popularity soared during the making of this motion picture.
Moments Of Subtext:
  • When Gabrielle finally finds Xena, they embrace and Gabrielle says, "Don't ever leave me again."
  • Brunhilda confesses, "Xena, I have waited my entire life to meet you."
  • Xena tells Brunhilda, "Well, I've gotten a lot smarter since then. I've learned to respect life, love, and peace."
    "Why, what happened?" asks Brunhilda.
    Xena exchanges significant glances with Gabrielle. "Lot's of reasons," she answers.
  • "Gabrielle, I know better than to try to talk you into leaving," remarks Xena, "But you two should go; live to fight another day. This is my battle."
    "Our battle," corrects Gabrielle.
    "I won't leave Gabrielle," retorts Brunhilda.
  • During their attack on Grendel, Gabrielle is hit and Brunhilda goes beserk trying to protect her.
  • Gabrielle explains to Brunhilda: "There's fighting for what you believe in, for people that you love." (Xena looks at Gabrielle)
    "You know, before I met you, I never thought of a warrior as having any love but the love of battle," confesses Burnhilda.
    (Xena rolls her eyes.)
  • Xena becomes jealous of Brunhilda's obvious attraction to Gabrielle.
  • Odin confronts Brunhilda: "My ravens, they tell me you've fallen in love with her partner. Is it possible you thought that killing Xena would kill any chance you had with Gabrielle?"
    "Those mangy stoolpigeons."
  • Odin instructs his Valkyrie: "She has a weakness: her partner, Gabrielle."
  • Brunhilda revals why she has captured Gabrielle for herself: "Is Xena all you think about?"
    "Xena's my family. She's the most important thing in my life."
    "Gabrielle, listen to me: I bring to Valhalla the bravest warrior slain in battle. Heroes. But your heart has more truth and courage than any that I've seen. The beauty inside you burns like a star, Gabrielle. I was supposed to betray you and Xena, but I couldn't. Not now. You've changed me. You've opened my eyes and you've changed me the way you changed Xena."
    "I don't know what to say. I'm sorry."
    "I defied my god for you, Gabrielle!"
  • Later, Gabrielle tries to explain the situation to Brunhilda:"Xena and I have a connection. It's stronger than either one of us. We're soulmates."
    "My love is strong; I can feel it."
    "I'm trying to tell you that Xena and I are meant to be together. We didn't make it that way; it just is."
    "I can see your heart lies with Xena, but I'll prove to you which one of us deserves your love."
  • Brunhilda wants to prove herself to Gabrielle: "They're gonna kill her before I get a chance to prove my love for you!"
    "What are you fighting for? You want to win my love? You're gonna shed blood for what? For me? You call that love?"
  • Brunhilda reveals what has happened to Gabrielle: "Xena put on the ring."
    "And she lost what she values most: you."
  • Brunhilda gives the ring to Gabrielle: "This ring is too powerful to fall into undeserving hands. And so are you. I'll become an eternal flame for you. Only your true soulmate will be able to pass through the fire."
Wow, what can I say? Just look at all the subtext in this episode! In fact, this episode goes further than any other episode, for unlike The Crusader where Njara develops a 'thing' for Gabrielle which is subtextual, Brunhilda in this episode clearly falls in love with Gabrielle in a maintextual way. There is no skirting the issue in this one, this is the first instance of an out lesbian on Xena. This is one of those historic episodes, a milestone. And Gabrielle's responses to this affection are perfect. It is not that she has a problem with Brunhilda's advances, it is that they come into conflict with her relationship with Xena.
Poor Beowolf. For such a mythic figure, he sure comes across as a bit of a wuss. For one thing, what is the source of his respect and love for Gabrielle? He has barely spent any time around her! He mentioned this love in the previous episode, and he had never spoken to her, he had merely seen her eating at a table in a tavern from afar. He also gets the stuffing beaten out of him. We get no display of extraordinary prowess from him. Unless you count that line where they are searching for Xena, and he finds her blood on a tree. How can he tell Xena blood from other kinds of blood? Either he is really perceptive, or he is just stuck with bad lines.
And speaking of poor displays of fighting skill, what is wrong with poor Grinhilda? During the flashback, she throws away every possible advantage during her fight with Xena. She decides she is going to put on the ring to gain brief super-powers. So she announces that this is what she'll do. She then spends a few minutes with her hand and the ring poised to put it on while she discusses the situation with Xena. THEN she puts the ring on. But her advantages aren't completely blown, for Xena does not press the attack. She stands there and allows Grinhilda to do this, then waits while the ring takes its effect, THEN attacks.
There are some good inside references/jokes in this episode. Xena's comment to Grendel: "Come get some" is right out of Army Of Darkness (a Rob Tapert production) and Gabrielle's acknowledgement to Xena that "I never listen" when Xena asks her why she didn't do what she was told.
I would like to now officially declare this the best subtext season ever, even though we are a mere eight episodes into the season. Even if they stopped right here and did fourteen different versions of The King Of Cons, they have earned major kudos from me for what they have done so far.

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