Tuesday, December 16, 2014



Teleplay by RJ Stewart
Story by Rob Tapert
Directed by Rick Jacobson
Episode synopsis:
Segment one:
Eve wanders the desert, in torment because of her guilt. The gods on Olympus consult. Athena decides to send the Furies after Gabrielle. An army seeking vengeance attacks Eve, but Xena and Gabrielle interfere to protect her. The Furies appear to Gabrielle, convincing her all will be well when Eve is dead.
Segment two:
Brought amongst the followers of Eli, Eve is told about their religion, and about the Baptist. She decides to become baptized into their religion. As this is happening, Xena is spoken to by a column of fire. Suddenly, they are attacked by the gods. Xena kills three of them: Poseidon, Dischord, and Hephaestus.
Segment three:
Xena and the gang take off, warning the other gods not to follow. Xena tells Gabrielle that she was visited by a spirit sent by the arcangel Michael. As long as Eve lives, Xena can kill gods. They travel to Joxer's home, where Virgil is less than thrilled. He takes off, unwilling to forgive Eve. Xena is lead out into the courtyard to talk to Ares, and now the Furies really lay into Gabrielle. Joxer's spirit appears, demanding revenge. Hope appears and reminds her what happens when you don't kill when you know you should. Xena returns in time to see Gabrielle stab Eve. Xena takes out Gabrielle with her chakram.
Segment four:
The gods launch a full scale attack. As Aphrodite whisks Gabrielle away to safety, Xena defends herself, killing Hades and Demios in the process. Athena and Artemis retreat. Xena asks Aphrodite to heal Gabrielle, but no god can heal without Athena's blessing. Aphrodite agrees to bring Xena, Gabrielle, and Hope to Olympus.
Segment five:
Confronted by Ares, Xena shoots him with a crossbow, chains him up, and drags him before Athena. She offers a bargain: heal Eve and Gabrielle and she will leave Athena alone. She then kills Artemis who was trying to ambush her. Athena refuses and they fight. Xena strikes a killing blow, but it has no effect. Eve has died, and Xena's power goes with her. While they continue to battle, Ares gives up his immortality in order to heal Eve and Gabrielle. Xena finally kills Athena.
Disclaimer: All the gods were harmed during the production of this motion picture.
Moments Of Subtext:
  • Xena talks to Gabrielle about Eve: "She's lost, just as I was. But I got lucky 'cause I found you."
  • Aphrodite pleads with Athena: "Can we leave the bard out of this?"
    "Do you have a soft spot for Gabrielle?"
    "She's my friend."
  • The Furies torment Gabrielle: "Eve will only break your heart. There'll be no peace for you until she's dead."
    Or the alternate reading, referring to Xena: "There'll be no piece for you until she's dead."
  • Aphrodite's concern and care for Gabrielle during the battle at Virgil's house.
  • Xena tells Gabrielle's body: "Gabrielle, you're the most pure thing in my life."
  • Xena convinces Aphrodite to bring them to Olympus: "Please? Gabrielle doesn't have much time."
  • Aphrodite says softly to Gabrielle, "Bye, little one," before evacuating Olympus.
  • Gabrielle tells Xena: "Looks like you got your daughter back."
    "No, we got our daughter back."
Well, what can I say? A pretty good end to a horrible season. I wish I could have seen my face when Xena's chakram ploughed into the back of Gabrielle's head. They get major points for surprising me. Also, I appreciate that they allowed Xena to be intelligent enough to realize that Gabrielle was not in her right mind. I don't think we needed another rift right now. I would also like to say how much I loved Aphrodite in this episode. Her tenderness towards Gabrielle showed so much more to her character than they have ever managed to hint at before. Alexandra Tydings did a great job. Her first line, when she leans over Athena's shoulder and whispers "Can we leave the bard out of this?" was a great way to get something from her that I don't think we expected. Now, the followers of Eli... I have to worry about them. When Xena and Gabrielle are talking to them, one of them asks is it true that Eli breathed fire? Er, what?! What has happened to this religion in twenty five years? If they think Eli breathed fire, what else have they gotten wrong? "Eli said we should always wear oven mitts." "Eli said to love everyone...unless they were funny looking. Then you should beat them with baguettes." They refer to Eli's god as the god of love. But this god is only really the god of love to humans isn't it? Not really a whole lot of love expressed for the Greek gods. They were all savagely killed with the assistance of the god of love. Anyways... I know that the first episode of this season, "Fallen Angel," cost a lot of money. But could they really not afford to get a better wig than that awful mop that Hope was wearing? I mean, come on people! Renee wore that hair style for four seasons! How could you have forgotten what it looked like? Once again I have to complain about the powers of the gods. Can't they appear and disappear at will? There is no way Xena should be able to survive an attack by four of them. No way. And I feel real sad for Ares. He is just so pathetic. It is hard to find him terrifying and mean when he just follows Xena around like a dumb puppy no matter how many times she kicks him or runs him over with her car (to finish a bad metaphor.) I have my fingers crossed for next season. This show was once great, and I think they have never fully tapped into the powers of these characters. Here's hoping!
Special thanks to the person who emailed me three times for encouraging me to get off my butt and review this episode... this review goes out to you.

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