Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Family Affair

  • Xena reveals to Joxer that Gabrielle is alive, but she seems much more concerned with finding her than Joxer, the one who professes his love of Gabrielle every chance he gets.
    • Xena has an intense look in her eyes, and decides to go to Poteidaia, running off camera. Joxer just kinda...stands there.
  • In Poteidaia, Xena "senses" that Gabrielle/Hope is near her, and turns around to see "Gabrielle" standing several feet away with her back to her.
    • When Xena is reunited with "Gabrielle" she hugs her and holds her, her hands continually rubbing "Gabrielle's" back.
    • Joxer excuses himself giving them alone-time.
    • "I can't believe you're here," says "Gabrielle."
      "The gods couldn't keep me away," replies Xena.
    • "I thought you were dead. I thought I lost you forever," says Xena with a catch in her voice.
    • Joxer interrupts them to ask them to follow him. He turns away from them with an embarrassed look on his face.
  • Xena has a very tense meeting with Gabrielle's family.
    • "Xena. We wondered when you'd get here," remarks Herodotus coldly.
      "Hello. It's nice to see you all too," replies Xena awkwardly.
    • "Oh what a nice young man. So gallant!" says Hecuba to "Gabrielle," referring to Joxer while leading her away from Xena.
    • "So, how's she been?" Xena asks Herodotus.
      "Without you? Just fine."
      "I meant after everything she's been through."
      "You should know. Seducing her away from home with your heroics; filling her head with strange ideas. How's she been? Changed forever because of you."
  • In the barn, Xena's manner of speaking is a lot more casual with "Gabrielle" than it is with other people.
    • "Are you giving up?" asks Gabrielle as they attempt to trap the Destroyer. Xena just gives her a look which is the only answer "Gabrielle" needs.
    • "I missed you Xena."
      "Back atcha."
  • Xena discovers that Gabrielle is actually Hope.
    • "I wanted to believe it too, 'cause she is GOOD, but she's NOT Gabrielle," Xena tells Joxer.*
  • More tension between Xena and Gabrielle's parents.
    • "I appreciate that she saved our lives," says Herodotus to Hecuba, "That doesn't give her the right to take our little girl."
      "Oh sweetheart, Gabrielle's not a child. If she wants to go with Xena we can't just lock her in her room."
      "Talk to her, let her know the kind of mistake that she's making."
      "What kind of mistake is that?" interrupts Xena.
      "The kind of mistake that can ruin a life, or take one," retorts Herodotus.
      "If you're looking for Gabrielle, she went for a walk" says Hecuba.
      "Without you" emphasizes Herodotus.
      "Did she." says Xena.
      "That's right." returns Herodotus. "They wanted to spend some time alone."
  • Xena raises her sword to kill "Hope" and instantly realizes that it is Gabrielle.
    • "Gabrielle? Is that you?"
    • Sandra pointed out to me: "When Xena realizes she has her sword drawn on the real Gabrielle, she drops it and whipsers, "Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry!"
    • This reuniting scene is much better, much more emotionally moving than the first one. Both women are misty eyed or weeping and hug ferociously.
    • "I searched for you," says Xena. "I searched for you. I was afraid that..."
      "You thought I was dead."
      "What else could you think?"
      "I could've had faith. You would have. I should've known you'd survive."
    • There is much hand holding. Xena kisses Gabrielle's hand.
    • They share some unspoken dialog.
      • "I don't know how to tell you this..." begins Xena.
        "Hope's alive," finishes Gabrielle after a pause.
  • Even Hope believes that Gabrielle's first priority is to Xena.
    • "I loved you, Hope. I just had to stop you."
      "For Xena?" asks Hope sharply.
      "No, for us all."
  • Xena and Gabrielle bond at the end of the episode.
    • "I was trapped in a cycle of violence and hatred. And no matter how I tried to break free, something always pulled me back. Until you."
      "No, it's true. You talk about trying to find your way. But to me, you are my way."
      "How can I be your way when I'm lost myself?"
      "I'm searching for answers too. But how we look for them doesn't matter as long as we look for them together. You and me."
    • Gabrielle sits down next to Xena, wraps her arm around her, and puts her head on her shoulder.
This episode is beautifully acted by Renee O'Connor. During the first reunion scene, i felt kinda cheated. It felt like something was missing. Looking back on it, i think it is perfectly done, with it being very clear in retrospect that it was OBVIOUSLY not Gabrielle, but it is not so obvious the first time one watches it. This episode is also well written. i enjoyed that the dialog between Xena and Gabrielle is so much different than it is between any other characters. Sentences tend to trail off, to not finish themselves. Because these two know each other so well, they don't need to complete their thoughts.
The tension between Xena and Gabrielle's parents is also beautifully done. Gabrielle's not "daddy's little girl" anymore and he is feeling the hurt. A great example of bringing your lesbian girlfriend home to meet the folks. Never a good situation, is it?
How do you know when you are watching WAY too much Xena? When the scenes between Hope, Gabrielle, and the Destroyer fill you with emotion like they did me.
* insight provided by dalgcassian.

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