Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Way

    • At the end of the episode, Gabrielle says, "Xena, do you think I could understand the power of selfless love if it weren't for our friendship?"
    • At the end of this conversation, Xena and Gabrielle hold hands.
    Well, not much subtext here. But some of the writing i really liked. i was especially impressed with this dialogue between Xena and Krishna:
    "Xena, you have seen what you're destined to be. In your next life you will walk the way of the saint. However, you will never achieve that life if you don't follow the way you're on now."
    "The way of the warrior?"
    "Yes. You must not be hesitant to fight in a just cause. It is better to die following your own way than to live following someone else's. When you ride into combat, act without attachment and carry with you the confidence that you are fulfilling your calling in this life. Then you till know the Way."
    "I understand."
    ":Then go. Rise up like fire and burn all that oppose you."
    It is interesting how an episode about pacifism and peace can be so violent and filled with body parts being chopped off. Did anyone think how odd it was for an episode espousing these virtues to end with a giant fight scene?

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