Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Send in the Clones

Send In The Clones

Written by Paul Robert Coyle
Directed by Charlie Haskell

Episode synopsis:
Segment one:
In the present a mysterious woman (who looks an awful lot like Alti) exchanges cash for Xena's now 2000 year old chakram and two hair samples. Three Xena fans are summoned to her laboratory where she reveals she has cloned Xena and Gabrielle.
Segment two:
The Xena fans provide compilations of clips from the television show that are meant to resurface the dormant memories in the clones. After they leave for the day a mysterious person enters the lab and loads clips of evil Xena which the Xena clone starts to respond to.
Segment three:
More montages are shown to the clones, finally awakening the Xena clone who puts the pinch on one of the Xena fans.
Segment four:
After Gabrielle wakes up and the situation is explained to them, Xena and Gabrielle begin to adjust to the present and watch reruns of the show based on their lives. The scientist leads Gabrielle outside where she is promptly arrested by the local police for "breaking and entering." Xena takes off to rescue her and the scientist who looks just like Alti reveals that she is, in fact...Alti!
Segment five:
Alti has brought Xena to life so that she could revert her to her evil ways and ruin Xena's new found reputation in the modern world. Confronting the evil Xena in a junkyard, Alti almost converts her to her own cause, but Gabrielle awakens Xena's good side. Alti is defeated in a fight, and the clones appear to die in the ensuing explosion.
No Xena fans were harmed during the making of this motion picture.
Moments Of Subtext:
  • Commenting on a montage made by the subtext friendly fan, one of the others says "You'd think all they did was sit around in baths and campfires emoting."
    "I included other things, but I feel very strongly that Gabrielle is the most important relationship in Xena's life."
    "If you start talking about subtext, I'm gonna barf!"
  • The horny male fan wants to take advantage of the unconscious clones: "We need a more hands on approach. What about a bit of cardiac massage?" To which the subtext friendly fan responds "He could be right. Or mouth to mouth..." as she gazes at Gabrielle.
  • Once again, the subtext friendly fan gets caught up in the moment: "Think about the fun they had together; the baths they shared." "If you're talking about their 'special relationship'" responds the male fan, "I'm into that! Just let me watch."
  • A long subtext montage is shown to the clones to attempt to counteract the evil Xena clips shown.
  • After the clones awake, the subtext friendly fan thinks to herself, "I know... after lights out I'll play them a full season of Ellen episodes!"
  • When the clones watch a scene of Xena and Gabrielle kissing, Gabrielle looks uncomfortable while Xena looks pleased and satisfied.
  • Xena reacts to Lucy Lawless' portayal of her: "I like the one that plays me. She's kinda sexy."
  • Puzzled after watching several full episodes, Gabrielle asks "What are they trying to say about our relationship anyway?"
    "Who knows," responds Xena.
  • When "Alti" puts her arm around Gabrielle, she reacts rather strongly, if uncertainly, to it.
  • The subtext fan reacts to a discussion of Gabrielle: "She's plenty more than just a sidekick!"
  • Xena is brought back to the side of good by Gabrielle's stirring of her memories which sparks another subtext montage.
  • When Xena and Gabrielle are seen driving off in a taxi at the end of the episode, Xena has her arm around Gabrielle and they are clinking a couple of champagne glasses together.
Another over-the-top episode that is based on a cute idea but is just so exaggerated and in-your-face with its slapstickish jokes that it makes it difficult to enjoy. Nobody enjoys a good poke at obsessive compulsive fans like me, but the charicatures in this episode are so two-dimensional and over done that they lack any interest for me. The plot is weak at best. Alti has brought Xena to life to ruin her reputation? How many times has Xena defeated Alti? Has Alti become the stupidest person in history during her journey through time?
Several other things caught my eye in this episode: As Alti holds up Xena's chakram in the begining, while it is touching nothing but air and her hand, it makes a metal-chinging-on-metal noise. When she hands an envelope of cash to her lackey, he starts to flip through it and she says "It's all there." He stops. I think this line has made it into every movie since 1920. I could be wrong. I loved that the evil Xena montage showed to the clone was on a disk which was clearly marked in big, bright letters, "Evil Xena" and also had some sort of "Evil Xena" screen saver on it. I like Star Trek just fine. I also am amused by the jab at the end of the episode against Star Trek fans. But any simpleton knows that Doctor Spock has nothing to do with Star Trek and was an author of books on rearing children. It's Mister Spock, people.

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