Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Ides of March

    • Amarice asks "Xena, why do we have to go to see a preacher when there are battles to fight, butts to kick?"
      "Because whatever Gabrielle wants, Gabrielle gets."
    • When Gabrielle and Amarice meet Eli, Eli throws his arms open wide to hug Gabrielle, and she smiles until she realizes he is about to hug her, and then her face suddenly drops.
    • Callisto taunts Xena: "I can arrange for you and Gabrielle and all her peaceful little friends to just walk out of here and no one gets hurt. And you and Gabrielle can live happily ever after."
    • Callisto later adds: "There's a reason you can't allow you and your partner peace; it's your guilt."
      • Please note the use of the word "partner."
    • Xena and Gabrielle exchange hugsies as the rescue is underway.
    • Now comes one of the most powerful moments in the entire series: Gabrielle's wig-out. When Gabrielle sees that Xena, for probably the only time in their relationship, needs her help, she freaks. Xena is in danger of being killed, and Gabrielle does a complete freak-out and abandons all the ideals she has been building thus far. She runs around hacking romans down left and right, the pain and fear in her voice overwhelming, as she screams and begs for Xena to get up.
    • Back in the jail cell, Xena wakes up and instantly asks for Gabrielle. Gabrielle is there, cradling Xena's head in her lap. She leans down and kisses Xena's forehead.
    • "Xena, you brought out the best in me," Gabrielle admits. "Before I met you, no one saw me for who I was. I felt invisible. But you saw all the things that I could be. You saved me, Xena."
    • As they are being nailed to crosses, Xena turns to Gabrielle. "Gabrielle, you're the best thing in my life."
      "I love you, Xena."
    • Xena's spirit detaches itself from Xena's body. The first thing it does is finds Gabrielle. They hold hands as they are absorbed by a white light.
    This is one of the most powerful episodes ever. Right up there with the whole rift thing. Gabrielle's love for Xena is what powers the emotions in this episode. For me, the season has been building up to not the crucifiction, but Gabrielle's reaction to Xena being cut down by Callisto. Wow.

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