Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Lost Mariner

First of all, Xena jumps aboard a cursed ship because Gabrielle is there, with no concern for anythting else. Arriving there, our two heroines hug, and Xena caresses Gabrielle's head. As Gabrielle rushes into Xena's arms, if you turn the volume way up, it sounds like Gabrielle, with her head on Xena's shoulder, back to camera, is saying "Xena, I love you." (i didn't believe this when i first watched it, looking for this, but after rewinding the tape a few times, i'm fairly convinced.) Also, Cecrops and Hedsim exchange a look as Xena and Gabrille hug, perhaps feeling the "vibes?" (Many thanks to Wakar for these last two insights.) At the end of the episode, Seacrops discovers his love for others, which he describes as "The love you have for Gabrielle, Xena, when you risked your life for her." Mika points out: " Xena says, after she lands on the ship and she and Gabrielle hug, "Well I couldn't let you get away with taking my best friend" Plus, if you watch Gabrielle's lips when Xena tells her that the wrist pressure point thing makes your taste buds weird, Gabrielle says "Like raw squid?" but her LIPS say 'fish'. Someone else pointed that out after we asked what a 'Squish' was (it SOUNDED like Squish). That can point way back to _Altared States_ with the fishing scene."
kgalles points out: Don't forget the end where Gabs is throwing up and Xena walks up to care for her. Then they walk down the beach with their arms around each other. Also, when the ship rocks, Xena runs down below to make sure that Gabs is OK. She yells for her to come to her and then holds her tight as the ship rocks. Also, early in the episode when Gabs talks with the older guy while he is making rope, Xena walks into the hull and looks jealous. Gabs responds as if she feels like she got caught doing something wrong and has to explain what she is doing with the guy. Very suggestive jealousy. When Cecrops asks Xena what she was doing on the ship, she said, "I wasn't going to let you leave with my best friend." Gabs was very depressed when Cecrops said that Xena probably perished, but kept hope. When she saw Xena fighting on the shore her face lit up like a spotlight. She was happy and proud. Cecrops told her that she should hope that her friend doesn't reach them if she cared about her. Gabs seemed torn by this. She understood Cecrop's comment, but yet didn't want to leave Xena behind. Some good facial expressions here by Renee O'Connor.

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